Jun 15Liked by Eren Elsewhere

For me it's really about being algined to my passions. I have faith that I will lead a good life if my I can spend most of my time on my passions - there is so much fulfilment in them. A great post Eren and always an important reminder.

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Right on. The funny thing is, the faith itself is the good life. You're already there :) Once the mountain climber finds out he likes climbing, it's not even about reaching the top anymore.

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"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." — Carl Jung

Be the Benjamin, you are proud of, great essay Eren.

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Jun 15Liked by Eren Elsewhere

Agree. :)

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deletedJun 15Liked by Eren Elsewhere
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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Author

That's awesome bro. I went into Engineering for the same reasons. What is your choice? Where are you heading?

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