May 24Liked by Eren Elsewhere

This was great Eren. I think a massive milestone in my growing up (and I presume many others) is realising that our perception of the world more or less determines the world. Two books which helped me realise this:

- Meditations: I was shocked at how much this book changed my perception. It made me realise how powerful perception can be on our loved experience.

My diary: this is a funny one, but reading back on my notes over a number of years, it became clear to me that despite the changes in my material life, I always seemed to have something to complain about. The answers are within.

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Yeah man, that was certainly what happened to me. It's an eye-opener because you realise you have way more control than you once thought.

- I loved Meditations too. I know it was originally just his journal right, so hearing someone else's internal monologue was a game-changer.

- That's awesome. For me it was when I went travelling for 4 months and realised I now had new problems relative to my current position. So instead of waiting for the problems to magically end, learn to look at the bright side :)

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