I loved this read. There is much importance in loving yourself where you are at. It’s good to dream but keeping your attention focused on the good in the now will only add to your sense of peace and happiness.

Thank you for sharing!

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Author

Thank you so much for the kind words. I couldn't agree more - looking over the fence is the cheap fix. You reminded me of one of my favourite quotes from John Geiger -- he said "Happiness begins when your gratitude list is longer than your worry list."

Thanks so much Jillian. Really appreciate your words.

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Jillian, loving ourselves in the present moment is so important. Dreams and goals are great, but only by appreciating where you are now, brings true peace and happiness.

Thank you for this great reminder :)

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Jun 8Liked by Eren Elsewhere

Loved meandering through this read with these rich examples! Thanks for the mention ❤️

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Thanks so much for reading, Madeleine! I'm glad you enjoyed.

My pleasure. Thank you for the idea!

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Jun 15Liked by Eren Elsewhere

Thanks, just what I needed to read :)

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That warms my heart :) thanks for reading!

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Absolutely! Every life is divine.

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You put it so succinctly and elegantly - I love that line and I'll remember it. Thanks for reading and commenting Aaron.

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Jun 12Liked by Eren Elsewhere

'Fantasizing about an alternative life with perfect characters is robbing you of what you have right in front of you.'

Really well said, Eren.

Making such comparisons and fantasizing effectively distracts us from appreciating and valuing what we already have in our lives.

In such moments, it's good for us to be grateful of what we have, despite their flaws, as they are many others around the world who aren't privileged to have such things in their lives.

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Jun 11Liked by Eren Elsewhere

This is beautiful and much needed for me Eren

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Thank you so much Minh. It was much needed for me too - that's why I sat down to write it. I am overwhelmed with life at times, just like everyone else. But as I wrote, I realised that I love everything just that way that it is. I wouldn't trade anything. I wouldn't swap lives with anyone. It's just a surface level wish that we all seemingly have.

I'm so glad it resonated with you - that makes me feel so happy I shared this post. Thanks again Minh.

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Really well written. Engaging and making such a good point, especially in the constant comparison obsessed world we live in of social media, celebrity worship and such like. It's taken me many years to get this understanding of not getting jealous (still do sometimes to be fair 😊). It really is the way to a more happy and peaceful life. Thanks for sharing, I just subscribed.

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Thank you for this lovely comment. It's people like you who give me a reminder that what I'm doing is useful and adds value. Thanks again.

We all still get jealous! The key is to use that jealousy as a que to reframe it into gratitude.

"I feel jealous, but I know that is not a useful thought. My life is as good as anyone's, and I wouldn't want to change it."

I'm so glad you enjoyed this post and it's great to have you!

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Jun 10Liked by Eren Elsewhere

Grass always looks greener on the other side. It's just easy and lazy I feel.

It takes courage to live a life you imagine yourself living.

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Well said man - it is the lazy option to solve your problems by abandoning them. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond Tyler. Much appreciated.

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Be where you are... comparison only looks at the highlights... we don't see the pain that we all endure. I think there is a Naval quote that says something like "If you want to envy someone you have to envy everything, not just the successful parts"

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Whenever I start comparing myself to someone more successful, I ask myself, “What problems do they have that I don’t?”

Once I figured it out, I ask, “Do I want to have to solve those problems?”

In 90% of the cases, I come out grateful about my own problems.

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I've been thinking about this a lot. I've come to the conclusion that the person who has something I don't, doesn't have something I do. Nobody's life is perfect and everyone has their problems. We should look at what we have instead of what we don't, that way, we'll never envy.

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deletedJun 12Liked by Eren Elsewhere
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Exactly right man. Plus, you've built memories with the people in your life - imagine throwing it all away...

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