Eren, your essay is amazing! I love the analogy about not being able to see the house from inside—it’s so true! Your tips on getting feedback from others and journaling are super practical and helpful. This piece really inspired me to dig deeper into understanding myself.

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Thank you so much for this lovely message. You don't know how much it means to know this really resonated with you. Thank you and I'm so glad I could help!

The journey of digging deeper and understanding yourself is the most difficult, beautiful and worthwhile one there is.

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Love this, Eren.

The journey to understand yourself is such a hard one, which is why so many turn away from it. It's so easy to live life on autopilot...until you realize too late what you've done.

The rewards for putting in the work are awesome. I hope you're enjoying every minute of them. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks for reading brother. And thanks for the insightful comment x

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Jun 21Liked by Eren Elsewhere

This is insightful Eren, thanks for sharing.

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Thank you Fatima ❤️ Thanks for reading.

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